Saturday, October 15, 2016

Understanding Love

Conditional vs Unconditional 

Pop Quiz

Question #1:
Are you able to describe in great detail exactly who you want to be with?

Question #2: 
Are you able to describe who you are or are working to be in great detail?

Question #3:
Do you know what unconditional love is? AND Would you know how to give and/or receive it?

There are no right or wrong answers to those questions but they are very necessary when thinking you're ready for the one. There are a few more that I think would probably be good to ask yourself as well, like:

How do you really know that he or she is the one?

Do you even think that it's possible to know before you get to really know them?

If you're currently with someone, how can you tell if they're NOT the one?

I think that it's so important to ask these questions in order to gage the feeling that you get from both the question, when its asked, and the answer you receive. 

    Just a little background on myself: I jumped in and out of relationships from high school until 23 years old. I had a son and was engaged for a very short, short period of time. I NEEDED someone to love me. I needed someone around me to feel secure, wanted, loved, appreciated, beautiful and I wanted to be married to feel like I was desired as a wife (or in other words needed by someone else). I had no idea what love was, even though I knew I wanted it. Each one of the relationships that I found myself in were all with great men in one way or another but I was constantly reminded that they just weren't right for me, I loved them all but conditionally. I was going through spiritual changes through a couple of them which made it even harder to connect with men in general, so I ended up just backing away from men until I created a clear picture in my own mind that I was ready and knew exactly what I wanted. 

So, jumping forward, today while I was driving I got an overwhelming urge to text one of my ex's. Specifically the one that I ended due to lack of direction and growth. We were pretty much just booty calls that spent a lot of time together, or at least that how I felt. Nevertheless, the answer as to why I got the urge to want to contact him of all the men possible became pretty clear. It had nothing to do with me missing him or loving him or even sex. It was about me and my vibrations. I lost control and awareness of my feelings which allowed me to momentarily slip back into the "need" to feel loved.

   When you are "in the vortex" you are one with
yourself. There is no want or need for anything or any
 person because you are whole. 

Now, this doesn't mean you have to remain single because you have become whole. It means you aren't in need anymore. Now you've opened yourself up to meet someone else who is also whole and spark a flame. As opposed to two halfs meeting and not knowing enough to keep them or the other interested long enough to spark a decent conversation. Now you're able to speak love and prosperity into your life and desired relationship.

You have to be on the same vibrational frequency as the person or thing you are trying to attract.

Now that you know what unconditional love feels like, because you love yourself completely. You may now experience giving and receiving with someone else. 

Which means that you must be aware at all times how you feel. Earlier I mentioned that when I was in those 'not so good feeling' relationships it was because I was emitting vibrations that were of low frequencies: need, lack, anger, confusion etc. I wasn't aware of myself and in doing that you allow your body to feel and act the way it would like instead of mastering your mind, body and soul to assure you reach your desired goal or person. 

       Once your thoughts and feelings are controlled by you an entirely new world will open up for you. You will be open to receiving a type of love that you never imagined possible, until now. When you have some free time I encourage you to research "twin flame vs soulmate". So that you may get a better understanding of what you think is right for you. 

A good workout would be to jot down exactly what you would first like to be and see from yourself, starting with Unconditionally loving yourself from head to toe, past to present. From there, once your list is complete then you can open yourself up to the Universe and write a list of the perfect partner/relationship that you can imagine. If you feel that you are ready to receive these life changes then I would reread your lists daily to keep yourself focused and keep your energy centered around what you're wanting the Universe to provide to you. Just remember don't feel like you NEED what's on your list because you don't, YOU are everything that you need. Just focus on being happy because you know you are going to be showered with all the love you could hope for because the Universe ALWAYS provides. 

"You're always, always, always going to be on your way to something more --- always. And when you relax and accept that and stop beating up on yourself for not being someplace that you're not, and instead, start embracing where you are while you keep your eye on where you're going -- now life becomes really, really, really fun." 

Image result for twin flame affirmations

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